Creepy japanese sayings

Here are a few creepy Japanese sayings:

1. "目には目を、歯には歯を" (Me ni wa me o, ha ni wa ha o) - "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

2. "死人に口なし" (Shinin ni kuchinashi) - "Dead men tell no tales."

3. "人の振り見て我が振り直せ" (Hito no furi mite waga furi naose) - "Take a lesson from others' mistakes and correct your own behavior."

4. "闇に光を見る" (Yami ni hikari o miru) - "Seeing light in darkness," meaning finding hope or positivity in difficult situations.

5. "人の噂も七十五日" (Hito no uwasa mo shichijuugonichi) - "Rumors last only 75 days," implying that gossip eventually fades away.

These sayings may have different interpretations and cultural contexts, but they can evoke a sense of eeriness or foreboding.

Above is Creepy japanese sayings.

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