Cricket slang sayings

1. "It's a sticky wicket" - Refers to a difficult or challenging situation.

2. "He's on a hat-trick" - When a bowler has taken two wickets in two consecutive deliveries and is aiming for a third.

3. "He's hitting it out of the park" - When a batsman is consistently hitting the ball for sixes.

4. "He's a real all-rounder" - Refers to a player who is skilled in both batting and bowling.

5. "He's in the corridor of uncertainty" - Refers to a bowler consistently bowling in a difficult line and length for the batsman.

6. "He's a real bunny" - Refers to a batsman who consistently gets out easily.

7. "He's a real slogger" - Refers to a batsman who relies on power hitting rather than technique.

8. "He's playing a straight bat" - Refers to a batsman playing defensively and cautiously.

9. "He's got the yips" - Refers to a bowler who is struggling with their accuracy.

10. "He's been sent back to the pavilion" - Refers to a batsman being dismissed and having to leave the field.

Above is Cricket slang sayings.

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