Crime scene sayings

1. "The evidence doesn't lie."

2. "Every clue tells a story."

3. "The truth always comes to light."

4. "The scene speaks for itself."

5. "In the world of crime, nothing is as it seems."

6. "Follow the evidence, not your instincts."

7. "Every detail matters in solving a crime."

8. "The past always catches up with the present."

9. "Justice will prevail in the end."

10. "Crime doesn't pay."

Above is Crime scene sayings.

Saucy love sayings

1. You are the ketchup to my fries, the hot sauce to my wings, and the spice in my life.2. You're the sriracha to my sushi, adding a kick to every moment we share.3. Our love is like a perfectly seasoned dish, with just the right amount of sweetness and spice.4. You're the secret ingredient i

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1. Sip, sip, hooray! It's the most wonderful time for a drink.2. Jingle bells, jingle drinks, jingle all the way!3. May your glass be full and your spirits bright this Christmas.4. Let's get elfed up and have a merry little Christmas.5. Tis the season to be jolly... and a little tipsy.6.