Crocodile dundee famous sayings

Some famous sayings from the character Crocodile Dundee, played by Paul Hogan in the "Crocodile Dundee" movies, include:

1. "That's not a knife... that's a knife!" - In response to a mugger pulling out a small knife, Dundee reveals his large hunting knife.

2. "You call that a knife? This is a knife!" - Similar to the first saying, Dundee uses his large knife to intimidate others.

3. "G'day, mate!" - A friendly Australian greeting used by Dundee throughout the movies.

4. "No worries!" - Dundee's laid-back attitude is reflected in this saying, which means not to worry or stress.

5. "You can live on it, but it tastes like shit." - Dundee's blunt assessment of a food item he tries.

These sayings have become iconic and are often associated with the character of Crocodile Dundee.

Above is Crocodile dundee famous sayings.

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