Crown quotes and sayings

1. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." - William Shakespeare

2. "A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in." - Frederick the Great

3. "Wear your crown with grace and dignity."

4. "The crown is not won by putting it on, but by living up to its weight."

5. "A crown is a symbol of power, but true power comes from within."

6. "A crown is a reminder of the responsibility that comes with leadership."

7. "Royalty is not about the crown you wear, but the person you are."

8. "The crown may be heavy, but the burden of leadership is heavier."

9. "A crown is a symbol of authority, but true authority comes from earning respect."

10. "Wear your crown proudly, for it is a symbol of your strength and resilience."

Above is Crown quotes and sayings.

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