Cute country sayings signs

1. "Home is where the heart is."

2. "Bless this mess."

3. "Farm sweet farm."

4. "Welcome to our neck of the woods."

5. "Love grows best in little houses."

6. "Life is better on the farm."

7. "Happiness is homemade."

8. "Home sweet home, y'all."

9. "Gather here with grateful hearts."

10. "Simplify, simplify, simplify."

Above is Cute country sayings signs.

Grandchild quotes and sayings

1. Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation. 2. A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.3. Grandchildren are the reward for not killing your own children.4. Grandchildren are the best kind of messengers to the future.5. G

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Bradford sayings

1. It's reet good up North.2. Ey up, how do?3. Tha can't beat a proper brew.4. By 'eck, that's champion.5. Put wood in't hole (close the door).6. It's grim up North.7. Tha's got a face like a wet weekend.8. There's nowt so queer as folk.9. It's brass monkeys out there (it's very co

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Monarch sayings

1. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.2. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.3. A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in.4. Kings have long arms.5. A king's time is precious.6. The crown is not worth the price it costs.7. A king is nothing without his people.8. A crown do

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Bible sayings about sickness

1. Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. - Jeremiah 17:142. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the si

Awesome age sayings

1. Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. - Unknown2. Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Mark Twain3. Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art. - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec4. Age is not how old you are, but how many yea