Cute display sayings

1. "You are my sunshine on a cloudy day."

2. "Love you to the moon and back."

3. "You make my heart smile."

4. "You are my happy place."

5. "You are the sprinkles on my ice cream."

6. "You are my favorite hello and hardest goodbye."

7. "You are the missing piece to my puzzle."

8. "You are the peanut butter to my jelly."

9. "You are my best adventure."

10. "You are the apple of my eye."

Above is Cute display sayings.

Sayings for turning 70

1. Seventy years young!2. Aged to perfection at 70.3. 70 and fabulous!4. Life begins at 70.5. 70 years of wisdom and grace.6. Embracing the beauty of 70.7. Seventy and still shining bright.8. Living life to the fullest at 70.9. Seventy years of blessings and memories.10. Celebrati

New funny education sayings

1. I before E, except after C...and sometimes Y? English is weird.2. Math: the only place where people buy 64 watermelons and no one wonders why.3. If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way your teacher told you to in the first place.4. I have a degree in procrastination...I'll tell

Popular puerto rican sayings

1. ¡Qué viva Puerto Rico! - Long live Puerto Rico!2. Boricua hasta en la luna - Puerto Rican even on the moon (expressing pride in being Puerto Rican)3. Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres - Tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are (meaning that your friends reflect who yo

Old gujarati sayings

1. જે મન ને ભાવે તે મને મારે (Je man ne bhāve te mane māre) - What pleases the mind, kills me.2. જે કરે તે ભરે (Je kare te bhare) - You reap what you sow.3. વાણી ને વારી વારી ને વાણી (Vāṇī ne vārī vārī ne vāṇī) - Words have power and power has words.4. માણસ ને માણસ ને માણસ ને માણસ (Māṇas ne

Cute pumpkin pie sayings

1. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.2. Life is sweet, just like pumpkin pie.3. Pumpkin pie: the dessert of champions.4. Happiness is a warm slice of pumpkin pie.5. Pumpkin pie: the ultimate comfort food.6. In a world full of desserts, be a pumpkin pie.7. Pumpkin pie makes everything be

Clever shamrock sayings

1. Irish you a lucky day!2. Shamrock and roll!3. Kiss me, I'm Irish... and lucky!4. Clover the rainbow for good luck!5. Lucky enough to be Irish!6. Shamrock your world!7. Feeling lucky? Just add a shamrock!8. Shamrockin' the luck of the Irish!9. Four-leaf clover, luck all over!10.

Mother housecoat sayings

1. A tidy house is a happy house.2. Home is where the heart is.3. There's no place like home.4. Cleanliness is next to godliness.5. A place for everything and everything in its place.6. Home sweet home.7. The best memories are made at home.8. Home is not a place, it's a feeling.9. A

Sample graduation thank you sayings

1. Thank you to my family, friends, and teachers for all your support and encouragement throughout my academic journey. I couldn't have done it without you.2. I am so grateful for the love and guidance I have received from my mentors and loved ones. Your belief in me has helped me achieve this mi

Sayings about strong person

1. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandhi2. A strong person is not the one who never falls, but the one who stands up after each fall. - Unknown3. The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win b

Settling quotes and sayings

1. Settling is not an option when you know you deserve more. 2. Don't settle for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. 3. Settling for less only leads to a life of regrets. 4. Never settle for anything less than you deserve, because once you do, you'll always wonder what