Cute frankenstein sayings

1. "I'm not a monster, I'm just misunderstood!"

2. "I may have bolts in my neck, but I've got a big heart!"

3. "I'm a little bit of a stitch-up job, but I'm still lovable!"

4. "I'm Franken-fabulous!"

5. "I'm alive and kicking, just like my creator!"

6. "I may be made of different parts, but I'm all me!"

7. "I'm a work of art, stitched together with love!"

8. "I'm not your average monster, I'm a Franken-cutie!"

9. "I'm electric, eclectic, and totally fantastic!"

10. "I may be a little rough around the edges, but I've got a lot of heart!"

Above is Cute frankenstein sayings.

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Posters with sayings on them

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Home decor wooden signs sayings

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Roman sayings on sharing

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Martin luther king jr sayings about thinking

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