Cute good night quotes and sayings

1. "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite."

2. "May your dreams be as sweet as you are."

3. "Night is to see the dreams and day is to make them true. So it's good to sleep now and see the dreams."

4. "As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. Sleep peacefully knowing you've done all you can do for today."

5. "The night is more alive and richly colored than the day." - Vincent van Gogh

6. "Good night, sleep well, and dream of your favorite things."

7. "Stars can't shine without darkness. Good night and sweet dreams."

8. "The night is the time to dream, to relax, to rejuvenate. Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start."

9. "May your pillow be soft, your blankets be warm, and your mind be filled with peaceful thoughts."

10. "Sleep is the best meditation. Good night and sweet dreams."

Above is Cute good night quotes and sayings.

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