Cute heart sayings for valentines for kindergarten crafts

1. "You make my heart happy!"

2. "You are the heart of my day!"

3. "Love is in the air, and in my heart for you!"

4. "You are the sweetest Valentine!"

5. "My heart is full of love for you!"

6. "You make my heart skip a beat!"

7. "You are the heart of the matter!"

8. "You are the key to my heart!"

9. "Love is in the little things, like you!"

10. "You are the heart of my world!"

Above is Cute heart sayings for valentines for kindergarten crafts.

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Childfree sayings

1. My family is complete just the way it is.2. I choose freedom over parenthood.3. Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and that's okay.4. I prefer fur babies over human babies.5. My life, my choice.6. Happiness doesn't require children.7. I'm not selfish for prioritizing my own needs

Lemongrab sayings

1. UNACCEPTABLE!2. You are hereby charged with crimes against nature and must be brought to justice!3. One million years dungeon!4. You! What is your problem?!5. You have all proven yourselves to be quite unacceptable!6. I am the Earl of Lemongrab! I am the rightful ruler of the Candy Kin