Cute sayings for 4 year old birthday

1. "Happy 4th birthday! You're four-ever fabulous!"

2. "Four-tunately, you're turning four today! Happy birthday!"

3. "Four-tunately, you're the cutest 4-year-old around! Happy birthday!"

4. "You're four-tunately the sweetest little one we know! Happy birthday!"

5. "Four-tunately, you're growing up to be amazing! Happy 4th birthday!"

6. "You're four-tunately the best 4-year-old ever! Happy birthday!"

7. "Four-tunately, you're getting older and cuter every day! Happy birthday!"

8. "Four-tunately, you're a shining star at four years old! Happy birthday!"

9. "You're four-tunately the most adorable 4-year-old in the world! Happy birthday!"

10. "Four-tunately, you're loved more than you can imagine! Happy 4th birthday!"

Above is Cute sayings for 4 year old birthday.

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1. Like milk and honey, may your life be filled with sweetness and nourishment.2. Just as bees gather nectar from flowers to make honey, gather positivity from life to create your own sweetness.3. In the midst of life's challenges, remember that milk and honey await at the end of the journey.4

Old sayings are called

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Chanakya sayings in hindi

1. जो अपने लिए नहीं सोचता, वह दूसरों के लिए क्या सोचेगा।2. जो अपने लक्ष्य को पूरा करने के लिए नहीं उत्साहित है, वह अपने लक्ष्य को कभी पूरा नहीं कर सकता।3. जो अपने विचारों को नियंत्रित नहीं कर सकता, वह अपने विचारों के बल पर अपने आप को नष्ट कर देगा।4. अपने दुश्मन को जानने के लिए उससे मित्रता मत