Cute sayings for baby shower games

1. "Babies are a gift from heaven, let's celebrate with games and fun!"

2. "Diapers, bottles, and onesies galore, let's play some games and have a blast for sure!"

3. "Tiny toes and chubby cheeks, let's play some games and have a peak!"

4. "Babies bring joy and laughter, let's play some games happily ever after!"

5. "Pink or blue, we can't wait to meet you! Let's play some games and have a clue!"

6. "Twinkle twinkle little star, let's play some games and have a par!"

7. "Baby on the way, let's celebrate with games today!"

8. "Cute as a button, let's play some games and have some fun!"

9. "Bundles of joy and lots of love, let's play some games from above!"

10. "Tiny hands and tiny feet, let's play some games and make the party sweet!"

Above is Cute sayings for baby shower games.

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