Cute sayings for picture captions on facebook

1. "Life is better when you're laughing."

2. "Happiness is homemade."

3. "Just living my best life."

4. "Smile, it's contagious."

5. "Chasing sunsets and dreams."

6. "Making memories one click at a time."

7. "Love the life you live."

8. "Adventure awaits."

9. "Sunkissed and happy."

10. "Embracing the beauty of everyday moments."

Above is Cute sayings for picture captions on facebook.

Cheshire cat famous sayings

The Cheshire Cat, a character from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is known for his cryptic and philosophical sayings. Some of his famous sayings include:1. We're all mad here.2. Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.3. Every adventure requires a first st

Marine corps sayings oorah

Oorah is a common motivational cry and greeting used by the United States Marine Corps. It is used to show enthusiasm, motivation, and esprit de corps among Marines. It is often shouted in response to a command or as a way to show solidarity and support for fellow Marines. Oorah is a distinctive

Funny 40th birthday sayings for cards

1. Turning 40 is like turning 21 in Celsius.2. Life begins at 40... but so do the gray hairs!3. 40 and fabulous, just like fine wine.4. You're not 40, you're 18 with 22 years of experience!5. 40 is the new 30... until you try to hang out with 30-year-olds.6. At 40, you're officially a vin

Happy 30th bday sayings

1. Cheers to 30 years of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories! Happy 30th birthday!2. 30 looks good on you! Wishing you a day filled with joy and celebration.3. Here's to three decades of fabulousness! Happy 30th birthday!4. 30 years young and still shining bright! Wishing you a fantast

Convo heart sayings

1. Follow your heart, it knows the way.2. Listen to your heart, it may be on your left, but it is always right.3. The heart wants what it wants.4. A heart that loves is always young.5. The heart sees what is invisible to the eye.6. Home is where the heart is.7. The heart knows no distan

Sayings of allah

Here are some sayings of Allah from the Quran:1. And He is with you wherever you are. (Quran 57:4)2. Verily, with hardship comes ease. (Quran 94:6)3. And Allah is the best of planners. (Quran 8:30)4. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing. (Quran 2:127)5. And He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

Shirts with french sayings

Here are some French sayings that could be printed on shirts:1. C'est la vie (That's life)2. Vive la vie (Long live life)3. Joie de vivre (Joy of living)4. Bon appétit (Enjoy your meal)5. La vie en rose (Life in pink, meaning seeing life through rose-colored glasses)6. L'amour toujours (

Funny sayings about being hurt

1. I'm not clumsy, I'm just practicing my floor routine.2. I'm not crying, I'm just watering my face garden.3. I'm not injured, I'm just auditioning for a role in a soap opera.4. I'm not in pain, I'm just doing my best impression of a wounded gazelle.5. I'm not hurt, I'm just giving my body

Sayings about journeys in life

1. Life is a journey, not a destination.2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.3. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.4. Embrace the journey and let go of the outcome.5. Life is a journey full of twists and turns, ups and downs.6. The journey is th

Christian wise sayings for channel art

1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. - Proverbs 3:52. Let your light shine before others. - Matthew 5:163. Do everything in love. - 1 Corinthians 16:144. Be strong and courageous. - Joshua 1:95. God is our refuge and strength. - Psalm 46:16. Love one another as I have loved you. - J