Cute sayings for rehearsal dinner invitations

1. "Eat, drink, and be married!"

2. "Love is the main course at our rehearsal dinner."

3. "Join us for a night of love, laughter, and happily ever after."

4. "Let's toast to the bride and groom-to-be!"

5. "Sip, savor, and celebrate with us."

6. "Love is in the air, and dinner is on the table."

7. "A taste of what's to come - join us for a rehearsal dinner."

8. "Good food, good friends, and the promise of forever."

9. "Eat, drink, and be merry as we prepare to say 'I do'."

10. "Join us for a pre-wedding feast and festivities."

Above is Cute sayings for rehearsal dinner invitations.

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