Cute sayings for wooden arrow signs

1. "Follow your arrow wherever it points."

2. "Adventure awaits this way."

3. "Love grows here."

4. "Home sweet home."

5. "Choose joy."

6. "Let's get lost."

7. "This way to happiness."

8. "Find your path."

9. "Dream big."

10. "You are my sunshine."

Above is Cute sayings for wooden arrow signs.

Lithuanian sayings about death

1. Mirtis nėra galutinis tikslas, tai tik perėjimas į kitą gyvenimą. (Death is not the ultimate goal, it is just a transition to another life.)2. Mirtis yra kaip uždanga, kuri nutildys mūsų balsus, bet ne ištrins mūsų prisiminimų. (Death is like a curtain that will silence our voices, but will n

Groupie sayings

1. I'd follow you anywhere, even to the ends of the earth.2. You're my favorite rockstar, I'll always be your biggest fan.3. I'm with the band.4. I'll never wash this hand again after you shook it.5. Your music is the soundtrack to my life.6. I'd wait in line for hours just to catch a gli

Baby shower congrats sayings

1. Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy! Wishing you all the best at your baby shower.2. May your baby shower be filled with love, laughter, and lots of wonderful gifts. Congratulations!3. Sending you heartfelt congratulations on your baby shower. May this special day be the start of

Michelangelo turtle sayings

Michelangelo, the fun-loving and pizza-obsessed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, is known for his humorous and laid-back personality. Here are some of his iconic sayings:1. Cowabunga!2. It's pizza time!3. Radical, dude!4. Turtle power!5. Let's kick shell!6. I love being a turtle!7. Go ninja

Bowling good luck sayings

1. Strike it lucky on the lanes!2. May your strikes be plentiful and your spares be few.3. Rolling towards victory!4. May your bowling game be as smooth as a well-oiled lane.5. Knock 'em down and show 'em who's boss!6. Bowling like a pro, with strikes galore!7. Sending good vibes down t

Sayings about hawks

1. A hawk in the sky, a lion in the forest.2. As fierce as a hawk, as swift as the wind.3. Eyes sharp as a hawk, heart strong as steel.4. Like a hawk, always vigilant and ready to strike.5. The hawk soars high, but never forgets the ground.6. In the eyes of a hawk, there is wisdom beyond

Funny tow truck sayings

1. I'm not just a tow truck driver, I'm a professional car hugger.2. I don't just tow cars, I rescue them from bad parking jobs.3. I may not be a superhero, but I can tow your car out of any sticky situation.4. I'm the reason your car gets a lift when it's feeling down.5. I tow cars for a l

Pain and gain sayings

1. No pain, no gain.2. Pain is temporary, but the feeling of accomplishment lasts forever.3. The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.4. Embrace the pain, and let it fuel your determination.5. Success is not given, it is earned through hard work and sacrifice.6. The pain you feel to

Funny sayings about someone you like

1. I like you more than pizza, and that's saying a lot.2. You're so cute, I could squish you like a marshmallow.3. If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber.4. You're like a fine wine, you get better with age... and you make me feel a little tipsy.5. If you were a fruit, you'd be a fi

Sayings for bridal party t shirts

1. Bride Squad2. Bride Tribe3. Team Bride4. Bridal Babes5. Bridesmaid Crew6. Maid of Honor Squad7. Bridal Besties8. Bride's Entourage9. Wedding Warriors10. I Do Crew