Cute sayings in spanish for your boyfriend

1. Eres mi sol en un día nublado. (You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.)

2. Eres mi media naranja. (You are my other half.)

3. Eres mi amorcito lindo. (You are my cute little love.)

4. Eres mi razón de sonreír. (You are my reason to smile.)

5. Eres mi mundo entero. (You are my whole world.)

6. Eres mi amor eterno. (You are my eternal love.)

7. Eres mi corazón latiendo. (You are my beating heart.)

8. Eres mi sueño hecho realidad. (You are my dream come true.)

9. Eres mi tesoro más preciado. (You are my most precious treasure.)

10. Eres mi amor para siempre. (You are my love forever.)

Above is Cute sayings in spanish for your boyfriend.

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