Cute sayings on engagement pictures

1. "Love is in the air, and so is our engagement!"

2. "Two hearts, one love, forever engaged."

3. "Happily ever after starts now."

4. "He put a ring on it, and I said yes!"

5. "Engaged and loving every moment."

6. "Together is a beautiful place to be."

7. "Our love story continues with a happily ever after."

8. "Engaged to the love of my life, my forever and always."

9. "From this day forward, we're engaged in love."

10. "The start of forever begins with our engagement."

Above is Cute sayings on engagement pictures.

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Initials of well known sayings btd btd

The initials BTD BTD do not correspond to any well-known sayings that I am aware of. Could you provide more context or clarify the phrase you are referring to?

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1. May your days be merry and bright, and may all your holidays be filled with light.2. Wishing you peace, love, and joy this holiday season.3. May your heart be filled with the magic of the season.4. Sending warm wishes and holiday cheer your way.5. May your holidays be filled with laughte

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Thalassian sayings

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