Cute sayings welcome baby girl

1. "A little bit of heaven sent down to Earth."

2. "Tiny but mighty, welcome to the world little one."

3. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice - that's what little girls are made of."

4. "Welcome to the world, sweet baby girl. Your adventure has just begun."

5. "You are loved more than you will ever know, little one."

6. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, what a precious girl you are."

7. "Welcome to the world, little princess. May your life be filled with love and joy."

8. "You are a little piece of magic in our lives. Welcome, baby girl."

9. "In a world full of roses, be a wildflower. Welcome, little one."

10. "You are a precious gift, a bundle of joy. Welcome to the world, baby girl."

Above is Cute sayings welcome baby girl.

Comeback from injury sayings

1. I may have been knocked down, but I'm getting back up stronger than ever.2. I'm not defined by my injury, I'm defined by my comeback.3. I'm not letting this setback keep me down, I'm coming back with a vengeance.4. Injuries may slow me down, but they won't stop me from reaching my goals.5

Cute sayings to welcome a baby girl

1. Welcome to the world, little princess!2. A baby girl is a precious gift from above.3. Hello, sweet baby girl! Your arrival fills our hearts with joy.4. Pink cheeks, tiny toes, welcome to the family, little rose.5. Sugar, spice, and everything nice - that's what baby girls are made of!6.

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Rotten fish sayings

1. Something smells fishy.2. Like a fish out of water.3. Slippery as a fish.4. Cold fish.5. Fishy business.6. A fish rots from the head down.7. Fish or cut bait.8. A fish in troubled waters.9. Fish out of its element.10. Like a dead fish in the water.

Bridesmaids sayings

1. A good friend knows all your best stories, a bridesmaid has lived them with you.2. Behind every successful bride is a tribe of amazing bridesmaids.3. A bridesmaid is a friend who is always there to help you tie the knot.4. Bridesmaids: the best friends a girl could ask for on her big day.

Broken window sayings

1. A broken window is a sign of neglect.2. A broken window is a symbol of shattered dreams.3. A broken window lets in more than just the cold.4. A broken window is a reminder that things can't always be fixed.5. A broken window is a reflection of the state of one's surroundings.6. A broke

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Northamptonian sayings

1. Brew up - to make a cup of tea or coffee2. Cob on - to be in a bad mood3. Ginnel - a narrow alleyway4. Mardy - moody or sulky5. Duck - a term of endearment, often used towards women6. Bostin - excellent or great7. Snap - food, especially a packed lunch8. Scran - food or a meal9.