Cutting myself quotes and sayings

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's important to remember that self-harm is not a healthy coping mechanism and there are better ways to deal with difficult emotions. Here are some quotes and sayings that may offer some comfort and encouragement:

1. "You are stronger than your struggles."

2. "Your scars do not define you."

3. "You are worthy of love and healing."

4. "You are not alone in your pain."

5. "You are capable of overcoming this."

6. "You deserve to treat yourself with kindness and compassion."

7. "You are a work in progress, and that's okay."

8. "Your story is not over yet."

9. "You are enough, just as you are."

10. "You have the power to choose a different path."

Please remember that there are people who care about you and resources available to help you through this difficult time. If you are struggling, please reach out to a mental health professional or a trusted individual for support. You are not alone.

Above is Cutting myself quotes and sayings.

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