Dance passion quotes and sayings

1. "Dance is the hidden language of the soul." - Martha Graham

2. "To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful." - Agnes De Mille

3. "Dance is the joy of movement and the heart of life." - Anonymous

4. "Dance like nobody's watching." - Satchel Paige

5. "Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made." - Ted Shawn

6. "Life is short, dance your heart out." - Anonymous

7. "Dance is the poetry of the foot." - John Dryden

8. "Dance is the timeless interpretation of life." - Shah Asad Rizvi

9. "Dance is the hidden language of the soul." - Martha Graham

10. "Dance is the music made visible." - George Balanchine

Above is Dance passion quotes and sayings.

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