Darth jadus sayings

Here are some quotes from Darth Jadus, a powerful Sith Lord from the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game:

1. "Power is its own reward."

2. "The weak will always be crushed by the strong."

3. "Fear is a powerful weapon. It is the key to controlling the masses."

4. "Pain is a necessary part of growth. Embrace it, and you will become stronger."

5. "In the end, all that matters is power. Use whatever means necessary to achieve it."

6. "The galaxy is a cruel place. Only the ruthless survive."

7. "Those who oppose me will be destroyed. There is no room for mercy in the pursuit of power."

8. "To rule is to dominate. To dominate is to be feared."

9. "The Sith way is the only way. Embrace your anger, your hatred, and your power."

10. "There is no room for weakness in the Sith Order. Only the strong will prevail."

Above is Darth jadus sayings.

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