David chang quotes and sayings

1. "Cooking is an art, but all art requires knowing something about the techniques and materials." - David Chang

2. "The best way to learn is to do, and the best way to do is to fail." - David Chang

3. "The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don't." - David Chang

4. "Cooking is about creating something delicious for someone else. It's about giving." - David Chang

5. "I think the most important thing about food is the memory of it." - David Chang

6. "Food is a language that we all speak." - David Chang

7. "Cooking is a craft, I like to think, and a good cook is a craftsman - not an artist." - David Chang

8. "Food is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of food." - David Chang

9. "Cooking is not about being the best or the most perfect cook, but rather it is about sharing the table with family and friends." - David Chang

10. "Food is about making an interaction with ingredients. If you talk to them, they will always tell you a story." - David Chang

Above is David chang quotes and sayings.

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