Decade sayings

1. "The bee's knees"

2. "The cat's pajamas"

3. "The cat's meow"

4. "The cat's whiskers"

5. "The real McCoy"

6. "The cat's whiskers"

7. "The cat's pyjamas"

8. "The apple of my eye"

9. "The whole nine yards"

10. "The bee's knees"

Above is Decade sayings.

I'm as cool as sayings

That's a pretty cool statement! What's your favorite saying or quote that you find particularly cool?

Real housewife sayings

1. I'm not a regular housewife, I'm a cool housewife.2. I didn't come here to make friends, I came here to be fabulous.3. I may be a housewife, but I'm not here to play games.4. I'm not just a housewife, I'm a boss babe.5. I don't need a crown to be a queen, I have my fabulous life.6. I'm

Dirty mind quotes sayings

1. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.2. My mind is like a dirty joke, always ready to make you laugh.3. I may have a dirty mind, but at least it's always thinking.4. Dirty thoughts are just a sign of a creative mind.5. My mind may be dirty, but my intentions are pure.6. Embrace yo

Funeral sayings for husbands

1. Gone but never forgotten, forever in my heart.2. In loving memory of my dear husband, a life well lived.3. You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from my heart.4. Rest in peace, my beloved husband, your love will always guide me.5. In the arms of the angels, my husband fin

Cute princess sayings

1. A princess is not afraid to shine her light and spread kindness wherever she goes.2. Every princess has a story to tell, a heart full of love, and a crown of dreams.3. In a world full of ordinary, be a princess.4. A princess is strong, graceful, and always ready to face any challenge with

Craft sayings survival kits

1. When life gives you lemons, make a survival kit.2. In every storm, there's a survival kit waiting to be crafted.3. Craft your way through tough times with a well-stocked survival kit.4. Survival is an art, and your kit is your masterpiece.5. A well-crafted survival kit is worth more than

Catchy sayings about bones

1. Strong bones, strong body.2. Bones are the foundation of our strength.3. Keep your bones happy and they'll support you for life.4. A skeleton key to health is strong bones.5. Don't break under pressure, strengthen your bones.6. Bones are the framework of our bodies, treat them well.7.

Irish images and sayings

1. Image: A lush green landscape with rolling hills and a rainbow in the sky.Saying: May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.2. Image: A traditional Irish pub with a cozy fireplace and people enjoying live music.Saying: Sláinte! (Cheers!)3. Image: A Claddagh r

Badass arm sayings

1. My arm is a weapon of mass destruction.2. I didn't choose the arm life, the arm life chose me.3. Mess with the arm, you get the harm.4. My arm is a force to be reckoned with.5. Strong arm, strong will.6. My arm is a force of nature.7. Don't underestimate the power of my arm.8. My a

Sayings for the loss of a father

1. A father's love is forever etched in our hearts.2. Though your presence is gone, your spirit lives on.3. In the garden of memories, we will meet again.4. The loss of a father leaves a void that no one else can fill.5. His love and guidance will always be with us, even in his absence.6.