Dental sayings funny

1. "I told my dentist I wanted a gold tooth and he gave me a chocolate one. I think he misunderstood me."

2. "I told my dentist I had a toothache, he said I needed a crown. I said, 'I know, right?'"

3. "My dentist told me I need a crown. I said, 'I know, right? I'm a queen!'"

4. "My dentist told me I need a filling. I said, 'I know, I'm always hungry!'"

5. "I told my dentist I wanted a smile like a movie star. He said, 'Which one, Jim Carrey or Jack Nicholson?'"

6. "My dentist asked me if I floss regularly. I said, 'Only when I eat corn on the cob.'"

7. "My dentist told me I have a sweet tooth. I said, 'I know, it's my best feature!'"

8. "My dentist told me I have a cavity. I said, 'I know, I'm a little nuts!'"

9. "My dentist told me I need braces. I said, 'But I already have a great smile... it's just a little crooked!'"

10. "My dentist asked me if I brush my teeth twice a day. I said, 'No, I just smile twice a day!'"

Above is Dental sayings funny.

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