Deputy dawg sayings and

"Git along, little doggies!"

"Time to round up them varmints!"

"Yeehaw! Let's rustle up some trouble!"

"Deputy Dawg is on the case!"

"Whoa there, partner, slow down!"

"Keep your eyes peeled for trouble, boys!"

"Let's mosey on over yonder and see what's goin' on."

"Looks like we got ourselves a real pickle here, boys!"

"Time to put on our thinking caps and solve this mystery!"

"Never fear, Deputy Dawg is here to save the day!"

Above is Deputy dawg sayings and.

Sad smile quotes sayings

1. Sometimes the brightest smiles hide the deepest sorrows. 2. Behind every smile, there is a story you would never understand. 3. A smile can hide so much pain. 4. Smiling doesn't always mean you're happy. Sometimes it simply means you are a strong person. 5. The saddest people smile the b

Cute australian chocolate valentines day sayings

1. You're as sweet as a Tim Tam!2. You make my heart melt like a Freddo Frog.3. You're the Cherry Ripe to my heart.4. You're the Milo to my morning.5. You're the Cadbury to my cravings.6. You're the Golden Gaytime of my life.7. You're the Picnic in my day.8. You're the Violet Crumble

Lord byron quotes and sayings inspirational

1. The best prophet of the future is the past. - Lord Byron2. The great object of life is sensation - to feel that we exist, even though in pain. - Lord Byron3. Adversity is the first path to truth. - Lord Byron4. Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those w

Other sayings like time will tell

1. Only time will tell.2. The truth will reveal itself in time.3. Time is the ultimate judge.4. Time is the best healer.5. Time is the great revealer.6. Time will unveil the reality.7. In time, all things will be known.8. Time is the master of all secrets.9. Time is the ultimate tes

Dad daughter always be there for you sayings

1. A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.2. A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.3. A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.4. A daughter is a treasure and a cause of sleeplessness.5. A daughter is one of th

Personal christmas cards sayings

1. Wishing you a season filled with love, joy, and peace. Merry Christmas!2. May your heart be light and your spirits bright this holiday season. Merry Christmas!3. Sending warm wishes and holiday cheer your way. Merry Christmas!4. May the magic of Christmas fill your heart with happiness and

Sayings about thoughts and feelings

1. Your thoughts and feelings are the architects of your destiny. - David O. McKay2. The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha3. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. - Thich Nhat Hanh4. Your feelings are valid, but they are not f

Baby boy clothes with grandpa sayings

1. Grandpa's Little Buddy2. Grandpa's Sidekick3. Grandpa's Mini Me4. Grandpa's Little Man5. Grandpa's Future Fishing Buddy6. Grandpa's Little Slugger7. Grandpa's Little Engineer8. Grandpa's Little Troublemaker9. Grandpa's Little Gentleman10. Grandpa's Little Helper

Persian sayings translated

1. دریا به دریا می‌رود - The river flows into the river (Equivalent to Like water off a duck's back)2. آب رفته به جوب - The water that has passed will not return (Equivalent to What's done is done)3. آهسته روان پیشه روشن - Slow and steady wins the race 4. کارِ دستِ دیگران، دستِ خود

Lol thats me quotes and sayings

Here are some funny quotes and sayings that you might enjoy:1. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.2. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.3. I'm not clumsy, I'm just dancing with the floor.4. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.5. I'm not short, I'm just