Derek prince quotes and sayings deception

Here are some quotes and sayings by Derek Prince on the topic of deception:

1. "Deception is the most dangerous weapon in the enemy's arsenal."

2. "Deception always leads to destruction."

3. "The enemy's primary strategy is deception, because he knows that if he can deceive us, he can defeat us."

4. "Deception is like a mirage in the desert, promising refreshment but delivering only emptiness."

5. "The only way to combat deception is with truth."

6. "Deception is a subtle poison that slowly corrupts the soul."

7. "Don't be fooled by the enemy's lies, for deception is his native language."

8. "The greatest deception is self-deception, for it blinds us to the truth."

9. "Deception is like a tangled web, ensnaring all who come near."

10. "Stay vigilant against deception, for it is always lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce."

Above is Derek prince quotes and sayings deception.

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