Desert fathers sayings on hospitality

The Desert Fathers, who were early Christian monks and hermits living in the deserts of Egypt, Syria, and Palestine, valued hospitality as a central virtue. Here are some sayings attributed to the Desert Fathers on the importance of hospitality:

1. "Hospitality is a great virtue; it banishes loneliness, and gives the guest the feeling of being at home."

2. "Let your door stand open to all who knock. Let it be a place of mercy for all who ask for shelter, for the sake of God."

3. "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some have entertained angels without knowing it."

4. "The guest is Christ himself coming to us in the form of a stranger."

5. "Hospitality is the test of a true disciple. It is the mark of a genuine follower of Christ."

6. "In welcoming the stranger, we welcome Christ. In offering hospitality, we offer love."

7. "Hospitality is not just about offering food and shelter, but about welcoming the other as a brother or sister in Christ."

8. "Let your home be a place of peace and rest for all who enter, a sanctuary of love and acceptance."

9. "Hospitality is a way of sharing God's love with others, of showing kindness and compassion to those in need."

10. "The true measure of hospitality is not in the extravagance of the feast, but in the warmth of the welcome."

Above is Desert fathers sayings on hospitality.

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