Deserter sayings

1. "Better to be a live deserter than a dead hero."

2. "I may have left my post, but I'll never abandon my principles."

3. "Sometimes the bravest act is to walk away from a battle you know is wrong."

4. "I refuse to be a pawn in someone else's war."

5. "My loyalty lies with my conscience, not with any flag or uniform."

6. "I may have deserted, but I haven't lost my honor."

7. "I'd rather be called a deserter than a murderer."

8. "I chose freedom over blind obedience."

9. "I may have left the army, but I'll never desert my beliefs."

10. "I deserted the war, not my humanity."

Above is Deserter sayings.

Christmas tag sayings

1. Merry and bright, all through the night.2. Tis the season to be jolly.3. Christmas magic in the air.4. Ho ho ho, let it snow!5. Peace, love, and joy this Christmas.6. Believe in the magic of Christmas.7. Jingle all the way.8. May your days be merry and bright.9. Christmas cheer i

Simp sayings

1. Keep it simple, stupid.2. Less is more.3. Easy does it.4. Don't sweat the small stuff.5. Life is short, make it sweet.6. Go with the flow.7. What will be, will be.8. Just breathe.9. Take it one day at a time.10. Keep calm and carry on.

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