Diy ordination card sayings

1. "Congratulations on your ordination! May your ministry be filled with blessings and grace."

2. "Wishing you a lifetime of joy and fulfillment as you embark on this sacred journey of ordination."

3. "May the light of God's love shine brightly through you as you serve others in your ordained ministry."

4. "On this special day of ordination, may you feel the presence of God guiding you every step of the way."

5. "As you are ordained, may you be a beacon of hope and inspiration to all those you minister to."

6. "Sending you prayers and best wishes as you are ordained into the service of God's kingdom."

7. "May your ordination be a time of celebration and reflection on the calling that God has placed on your life."

8. "Congratulations on your ordination! May your faith be strengthened and your ministry be fruitful."

9. "As you are ordained, may you feel the love and support of your community surrounding you."

10. "Blessings on your ordination day and may you always walk in the light of God's grace."

Above is Diy ordination card sayings.

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