Dj khaled jamaican sayings

DJ Khaled is known for incorporating Jamaican sayings and phrases into his music and social media posts. Some of the popular Jamaican sayings that DJ Khaled often uses include:

1. "Bless up" - Meaning to give thanks or show appreciation.

2. "Another one" - Used to emphasize doing something again or repeatedly.

3. "They don't want you to win" - Implying that there are people who are against your success.

4. "Major key" - Referring to something important or essential.

5. "Lion order" - Encouraging strength and courage.

6. "Stay focused" - Advising to remain concentrated on goals and objectives.

7. "We the best" - Expressing confidence and superiority.

These sayings have become synonymous with DJ Khaled's brand and are often associated with his motivational and positive messages.

Above is Dj khaled jamaican sayings.

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