Dominica creole sayings

Here are some common sayings in Dominican Creole:

1. "Sa ki pa bon pou'w, pa bon pou mwen." (What's not good for you, is not good for me.)

2. "Lavi se yon batay." (Life is a battle.)

3. "Pa janm di jama." (Never say never.)

4. "Pa janm kite pou demen sa ou ka fe jodi a." (Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today.)

5. "Lè w'ap mache nan dlo, gade pye'w." (When walking in water, watch your step.)

6. "Pa gen fèy san van." (There is no smoke without fire.)

7. "Se pa tout kouto ki koupe figi." (Not every knife cuts the face.)

8. "Si ou pa konn kote ou soti, ou pa ka rive kote ou prale." (If you don't know where you come from, you can't get to where you're going.)

9. "Chen ki gen lafimen pa gen dife." (A dog that barks doesn't necessarily bite.)

10. "Se pa tout bagay ki bon pou di." (Not everything good to say.)

Above is Dominica creole sayings.

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