Prophet muhammad sayings about daughters

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of treating daughters with kindness, love, and respect. Some of his sayings about daughters include:

1. "Whoever has three daughters, and is patient with them, and clothes them from his wealth, they will be a shield for him from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection."

2. "He who brings up two daughters properly till they grow up, he and I will come on the Day of Resurrection like this (and he joined his fingers)."

3. "He who is involved in bringing up daughters, and accords benevolent treatment towards them, they will be protection for him against Hell-Fire."

4. "The one who is put to trial by his daughters and he treats them generously (with benevolence) will be shielded from the Hell-fire."

5. "The person who is put to trial because of his children and he treats them generously, they will act as a shield for him against the Hell-fire."

These sayings highlight the importance of treating daughters with love, care, and respect, and the rewards that come with raising them well. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the value of daughters and the blessings they bring to a family.

Above is Prophet muhammad sayings about daughters.

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