Dr phil sayings southern

Here are some popular sayings attributed to Dr. Phil that have a southern flair:

1. "You can't change what you don't acknowledge."

2. "You teach people how to treat you."

3. "You're only lonely if you're not there for you."

4. "You don't need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich."

5. "You don't need a rope to pinch a pig."

6. "You can't put icing on a mud pie and call it a cake."

7. "You can't fix what you won't face."

8. "You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine."

9. "You can't drive forward by looking in the rearview mirror."

10. "You can't make a sow's ear out of a silk purse."

Above is Dr phil sayings southern.

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