Duke basketball sayings

1. "The Brotherhood" - Referring to the strong bond and camaraderie among Duke basketball players and alumni.

2. "Iron Dukes" - A term used to describe the dedicated and passionate fans of Duke basketball.

3. "Cameron Crazies" - The enthusiastic and spirited student section at Duke basketball games.

4. "Play like a Blue Devil" - Encouraging players to embody the competitive and relentless spirit of the Duke basketball program.

5. "Duke Pride Never Dies" - A rallying cry for fans and players to always support and believe in the Duke basketball team.

6. "Coach K's Army" - A nod to the legendary coach Mike Krzyzewski and his leadership of the Duke basketball program.

7. "Duke Blue Bloods" - Recognizing the rich tradition and success of Duke basketball throughout the years.

8. "Cutting down the nets" - A reference to winning a championship and celebrating by cutting down the basketball nets.

Above is Duke basketball sayings.

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