Howard stern sayings

Howard Stern, the famous radio personality, is known for his bold and often controversial statements. Some of his notable sayings include:

1. "I don't have a lot of respect for people who don't take risks. You have to be willing to put yourself out there."

2. "I'm the king of all media."

3. "I'm not a role model... Just because I'm on the radio doesn't mean I'm a good person."

4. "I'm not a big fan of the status quo. I think it's important to shake things up."

5. "I'm a big believer in therapy. It's very helpful."

6. "I've never been afraid to make a fool of myself."

7. "I don't care what people think. People are stupid."

8. "I'm not politically correct. I never have been, I never will be."

These are just a few examples of Howard Stern's outspoken and unapologetic personality.

Above is Howard stern sayings.

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