Dustbin sayings on stores
1. "Keep our store clean, use the dustbin!"
2. "Don't be trashy, use the dustbin!"
3. "Littering is for losers, use the dustbin!"
4. "Help us keep our store tidy, use the dustbin!"
5. "Trash belongs in the bin, not on the floor!"
6. "Throw your garbage in the bin, not on the ground!"
7. "Don't be a litterbug, use the dustbin!"
8. "A clean store is a happy store, use the dustbin!"
9. "Keep our store looking its best, use the dustbin!"
10. "Proper disposal starts with you, use the dustbin!"
Above is Dustbin sayings on stores.
1. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. 2. Don't be afraid to dream big and work hard to make those dreams a reality.3. You are capable of achieving amazing things. Never underestimate your potential.4. Embrace ch
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athbhliain faoi mhaise duit - which means a prosperous new year to you in Irish.
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1. Hakuna Matata!2. I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned.3. You gotta put your behind in your past.4. You can't eat me, I'm too tough.5. I'm a pig. What do I know about the theater?6. I'm a pig. It's a problem.7. It's times like this my buddy Timon here says: you got to put