Earth mother sayings

1. "The earth is our mother. We must take care of her as we would our own mother."

2. "The earth provides for us all, we must show gratitude and respect in return."

3. "In the arms of the earth mother, we find peace and healing."

4. "The earth speaks to us in whispers, we must listen with open hearts."

5. "We are all children of the earth mother, connected by the threads of life."

6. "The earth is a sacred gift, entrusted to us to nurture and protect."

7. "When we harm the earth, we harm ourselves. Let us tread lightly and with reverence."

8. "The earth mother's love is unconditional, her wisdom infinite."

9. "In the cycles of nature, we see the wisdom of the earth mother at work."

10. "May we walk in harmony with the earth mother, honoring her with every step."

Above is Earth mother sayings.

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