Earthy sayings

1. "Getting back to your roots."

2. "Grounded like a tree."

3. "As solid as the earth."

4. "Down to earth."

5. "Rooted in reality."

6. "Feet on the ground."

7. "Connected to the land."

8. "Salt of the earth."

9. "Deep as the roots of a tree."

10. "In tune with nature."

Above is Earthy sayings.

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1. I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optometrist.2. I am the liquor.3. What comes around is all around.4. I'm not a rocket appliance.5. It's water under the fridge.6. I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optometrist.7. I'm like a samsquanch, Julian. I'm like a samsquanch.8. I'm not the kind of perso

Sayings with the word terrific

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Nice fortune cookie sayings

1. You will soon receive good news that will bring you joy.2. Your hard work will soon pay off in unexpected ways.3. A new opportunity will present itself to you in the near future.4. Good things come to those who wait, be patient and stay positive.5. Your creativity and innovation will lea