East coast sayings canada

Here are some common sayings from the East Coast of Canada:

1. "Stay where you're to 'til I comes where you're at." - A way of saying "stay put until I come to where you are."

2. "Giv'er!" - Encouragement to go all out or give it your all.

3. "B'y" - Short for "boy" and used as a term of endearment or to refer to a friend.

4. "How's she goin', me ol' cock?" - A friendly greeting asking how things are going.

5. "Scoff and scuff" - To eat heartily and then dance or party.

6. "Squid jiggin' ground" - A popular pastime in Newfoundland where people go out to catch squid.

7. "Don't be a dink" - A playful way of telling someone not to be silly or foolish.

8. "By's, it's a time and a half!" - Used to express that something is really enjoyable or exciting.

9. "Up the shore" - Referring to the coastal areas of the East Coast.

10. "Skeet" - A term used to describe someone who is a bit odd or eccentric.

Above is East coast sayings canada.

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