Engagement sayings for cards funny

1. "Congratulations on finding someone willing to put up with your nonsense. Best wishes for a lifetime of love and laughter!"

2. "May your love be like a good wine - only getting better with age and leaving you with a hangover of happiness!"

3. "Here's to love, laughter, and happily ever after. And may your engagement be the start of many unforgettable adventures together!"

4. "Engagement: the process of finding out what kind of person your partner really is. Good luck with that!"

5. "Wishing you both a lifetime of love, happiness, and never-ending inside jokes. Congratulations on your engagement!"

6. "Engagement is just practice for the real fun of marriage. Enjoy the ride and remember to always laugh together!"

7. "Congratulations on your engagement! May your love be as strong as your WiFi signal and your happiness as endless as your Netflix queue."

8. "Engagement is like a warm hug - it brings you closer together and makes you feel all fuzzy inside. Enjoy the journey!"

9. "Here's to the beginning of a beautiful love story. May your engagement be filled with laughter, joy, and lots of happy tears!"

10. "Engagement: the perfect excuse to start planning the most epic party of your lives. Let the celebrations begin!"

Above is Engagement sayings for cards funny.

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