English sayings and where they came from

1. "Bite the bullet" - This saying originated from the practice of having soldiers bite on a bullet during surgery to help them endure the pain before anesthesia was widely used.

2. "Break the ice" - This saying comes from the practice of breaking the ice in order to make a path for ships to pass through. It is now used to describe breaking the tension in a social situation.

3. "Burning the midnight oil" - This saying refers to working late into the night, often by the light of a lamp or candle. It originated from the literal act of burning oil late at night to continue working.

4. "Caught between a rock and a hard place" - This saying originated from the Greek myth of Odysseus, who had to navigate between a rock and a whirlpool. It is now used to describe being in a difficult situation with no easy way out.

5. "Don't cry over spilled milk" - This saying dates back to the 17th century and is a reminder not to dwell on past mistakes or misfortunes that cannot be undone.

6. "Every cloud has a silver lining" - This saying originated from the idea that even in difficult or challenging situations, there is always a positive aspect to be found.

7. "The early bird catches the worm" - This saying emphasizes the importance of being proactive and taking action early in order to achieve success.

8. "A drop in the bucket" - This saying comes from the Bible and refers to a small or insignificant amount in comparison to a larger whole.

9. "A penny for your thoughts" - This saying dates back to the 16th century and is a way of asking someone what they are thinking or feeling.

10. "Actions speak louder than words" - This saying emphasizes the importance of actions over mere promises or words.

Above is English sayings and where they came from.

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