English sayings explained

Sure, here are a few common English sayings and their explanations:

1. "Break the ice": This means to initiate a conversation or activity in order to make people feel more comfortable in a social situation. It is often used when meeting new people or in awkward situations.

2. "Bite the bullet": This means to endure a painful or difficult situation with courage and determination. It is often used to encourage someone to face a challenging task or situation head-on.

3. "Don't cry over spilled milk": This means not to dwell on past mistakes or misfortunes that cannot be undone. It encourages people to move on from minor setbacks and focus on the present or future.

4. "A penny for your thoughts": This is a way of asking someone what they are thinking or feeling. It is often used to start a conversation or show interest in someone's thoughts or opinions.

5. "Actions speak louder than words": This means that what a person does is more important than what they say. It emphasizes the importance of demonstrating one's intentions or feelings through actions rather than just words.

I hope these explanations help clarify the meanings behind these common English sayings! Let me know if you would like more examples or explanations.

Above is English sayings explained.

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