Famous comic book sayings

1. "With great power comes great responsibility." - Spider-Man

2. "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice." - Wolverine

3. "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me." - Batman

4. "Avengers Assemble!" - The Avengers

5. "Hulk smash!" - The Hulk

6. "I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman." - Batman

7. "I'm the best at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice." - Wolverine

8. "It's clobberin' time!" - The Thing

9. "I am Iron Man." - Iron Man

10. "I'm the goddamn Batman." - Batman

Above is Famous comic book sayings.

Sayings on persons consious

1. The consciousness of a person is like a mirror, reflecting their thoughts and actions.2. The true measure of a person is found in their consciousness, where their values and beliefs reside.3. A person's consciousness is the compass that guides them through life's challenges and triumphs.4.

Cute animal sayings for canvas

1. Love is a four-legged word.2. Home is where the dog is.3. Pawsitively adorable.4. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.5. Life is better with furry friends.6. All you need is love and a cat.7. Happiness is a warm puppy.8. Fur-ever friends.9. Dogs leave paw prints on your heart.

British sayings you heard growing up

Here are some British sayings that you may have heard growing up:1. Bob's your uncle - used to say that something will be successful or easy to achieve.2. It's raining cats and dogs - used to describe heavy rain.3. Mind the gap - a warning to be careful of the space between a train and the pla

Famous smoking quotes sayings

1. I smoke in moderation. Only one cigar at a time. - Mark Twain2. Smoking is indispensable if one has nothing to kiss. - Sigmund Freud3. I smoke because it's bad, it's really simple. - Damien Hirst4. I smoke because it gives me a peace of mind. I know it's bad for me, but it's the only way I

Funny sayings lower than

Lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut.

Cute love sayings facebook status

1. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true.2. You are my favorite notification.3. In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.4. You are my today and all of my tomorrows.5. I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.6.

Sayings when someone questions your integrity

1. My actions speak louder than your doubts.2. I stand by my word and my character.3. I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear.4. Questioning my integrity only reflects on your own.5. I have always been transparent and honest in all my dealings.6. I will not let baseless accusations tar

Australian beach sayings

1. No worries, mate, just grab your board and hit the waves.2. Life's a beach, enjoy the sunshine and salty air.3. Suns out, guns out - time to show off those beach bods.4. Slip, slop, slap - don't forget your sunscreen, hat, and shirt.5. G'day from the land down under, where the beach is o

Does a wild bear crap in the woods sayings

Yes, the saying Does a wild bear crap in the woods? is a humorous way of expressing something that is obvious or self-evident. It implies that the answer is a resounding yes, as bears are known to defecate in the woods.

Llonely biker sayings

1. Riding solo, but never alone.2. Two wheels, one heart.3. The road is my companion, the wind is my friend.4. In the solitude of the open road, I find freedom.5. I may ride alone, but I'm never lonely with my bike.6. The only loneliness I feel is when I'm not on my bike.7. My bike unde