Famous ever sayings in alaylam

Here are some famous sayings in Arabic (Alaylam):

1. "الصديق وقت الضيق" (Al-sadeeq waqt al-dayq) - A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. "العلم نور" (Al-'ilm nur) - Knowledge is light.

3. "الصبر مفتاح الفرج" (Al-sabr miftah al-faraj) - Patience is the key to relief.

4. "الحب أعمى" (Al-hubb a'ma) - Love is blind.

5. "من حفر حفرة لأخيه وقع فيها" (Man hafara hafaratan li-akhiihi waqa'a fiha) - He who digs a pit for his brother falls into it himself.

6. "الجوع أفضل الطب" (Al-joo' afdal al-tib) - Hunger is the best medicine.

7. "القرد في عين أمه غزال" (Al-qird fi 'ayn ummihi ghazaal) - To a mother, her child is always beautiful.

8. "الكتمان حكمة" (Al-kitmaan hikmah) - Silence is wisdom.

9. "العقل زينة" (Al-'aql zeenah) - Intelligence is beauty.

10. "الوقت ذهب" (Al-waqt dahab) - Time is gold.

Above is Famous ever sayings in alaylam.

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