Famous nepali sayings

1. "जिउन गर्ने तरिका छ, जिउन छैन भने तरिका छैन।" (There is a way to live, but there is no way to not live.)

2. "अब भन्दा बढी नै गर्ने गरौं।" (Do more than what is expected.)

3. "जस्तो बिजुली बाट जल्दै जान्छ, त्यस्तो धेरै गर्ने गरौं।" (Do things quickly like electricity.)

4. "जिन्दगीमा सफलता पाउनको लागि आफ्नो रास्ता खोज्नु पर्छ।" (To find success in life, one must find their own path.)

5. "बिना जोखिम लिनु भन्दा सफलता पाउनु भन्दा धेरै ठूलो जोखिम लिनु पर्छ।" (To achieve success, one must take bigger risks than avoiding risks.)

6. "आफ्नो भाग्य आफै बनाउनु पर्छ।" (One must create their own destiny.)

7. "सफलता तपाईंको आत्मविश्वासमा छ।" (Success lies in your self-confidence.)

8. "अवसरलाई नचाहिँ तपाईंले त्यसलाई नचाहिँ।" (If you don't like the opportunity, then you have to create it.)

9. "जीवन एक अद्भुत यात्रा हो।" (Life is a wonderful journey.)

10. "सफलता तपाईंको मेहनतमा छ।" (Success lies in your hard work.)

Above is Famous nepali sayings.

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