Famous spanish sayings about food

1. "Barriga llena, corazón contento." (A full belly, a happy heart.)

2. "El amor entra por la cocina." (Love enters through the kitchen.)

3. "A falta de pan, buenas son tortas." (In the absence of bread, cakes are good.)

4. "La comida entra por los ojos." (Food enters through the eyes.)

5. "Donde hay hambre, no hay pan duro." (Where there is hunger, there is no hard bread.)

6. "Más vale pan con amor que gallina con dolor." (Better bread with love than chicken with pain.)

7. "El que come solo, come dos veces." (He who eats alone, eats twice.)

8. "En la mesa y en el juego, se conoce al caballero." (At the table and in the game, the gentleman is known.)

9. "A buen hambre no hay pan duro." (For a good appetite, there is no hard bread.)

10. "La cocina es el corazón de la casa." (The kitchen is the heart of the home.)

Above is Famous spanish sayings about food.

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