Fate love sayings

1. "Fate brought us together, love keeps us together."

2. "In the tapestry of life, fate and love are intertwined."

3. "Our love was written in the stars by fate."

4. "Fate may have brought us together, but it's love that keeps us connected."

5. "When fate and love collide, magic happens."

6. "Our love story was written in the stars by fate."

7. "Fate may have led us to each other, but it's our love that keeps us going."

8. "In the game of love, fate deals the cards but we hold the winning hand."

9. "Fate may have brought us together, but it's our love that makes it last."

10. "Our love was destined by fate, and nothing can tear us apart."

Above is Fate love sayings.

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