Fathers day sayings for someone other than dad

1. "To the man who has been like a father to me, Happy Father's Day!"

2. "For the father figure who has always been there for me, thank you and Happy Father's Day!"

3. "Celebrating you on Father's Day, not by blood but by love and care."

4. "Wishing a special Father's Day to the man who has played a fatherly role in my life."

5. "On Father's Day, honoring the mentor, guide, and friend who has been a father figure to me."

6. "To the person who has shown me fatherly love and support, Happy Father's Day!"

7. "For the man who has been a pillar of strength and wisdom in my life, Happy Father's Day!"

8. "Recognizing the influence and guidance of a special someone on Father's Day."

9. "Celebrating Father's Day with gratitude for the person who has been like a father to me."

10. "On this Father's Day, honoring the role model and protector who has been a significant presence in my life."

Above is Fathers day sayings for someone other than dad.

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