French sayings about dogs

1. "Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme." (The dog is man's best friend.)

2. "Qui a un chien a un trésor." (He who has a dog has a treasure.)

3. "Mieux vaut un chien enragé qu'un chien affamé." (Better a mad dog than a hungry one.)

4. "Avoir un chien, c'est avoir un cœur qui bat à nos côtés." (Having a dog is having a heart that beats by our side.)

5. "Les chiens ne font pas des chats." (Dogs don't make cats - meaning children often resemble their parents.)

6. "Un chien aboie, la caravane passe." (The dog barks, but the caravan moves on - meaning criticism doesn't stop progress.)

7. "Il n'y a pas de mauvais chien, seulement de mauvais maîtres." (There are no bad dogs, only bad masters - emphasizing the importance of responsible pet ownership.)

8. "Les chiens ne font pas des chats." (Dogs don't make cats - meaning children often resemble their parents.)

9. "Qui a un chien pour ami, a un bon ami." (He who has a dog for a friend, has a good friend.)

10. "Le chien ne ment jamais." (The dog never lies - highlighting the loyalty and honesty of dogs.)

Above is French sayings about dogs.

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