Friesland sayings

Here are some sayings and proverbs from Friesland, a region in the northern part of the Netherlands:

1. "As it tides, sa kin it wâl" - As the tide flows, so the wall stands.

2. "It is net al goud wat der blinkt" - Not everything that glitters is gold.

3. "Bûter, brea, en griene tsiis, wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries" - Butter, bread, and green cheese, if you can't say that, you're not a true Frisian.

4. "It is net altyd sa swart as it der útsjocht" - It's not always as bad as it looks.

5. "Bêste boer, bêste ko" - Best farmer, best cow (meaning a good farmer will have good livestock).

6. "De dei is foarby foardat de klok twa slacht" - The day is over before the clock strikes two (time flies).

7. "It is better in lyts stikje brea mei freon as in greate koeke sûnder" - It's better to have a small piece of bread with a friend than a big cake without one.

8. "In Frysk hert, in Frysk sin, dat is de bêste wyn" - A Frisian heart, a Frisian mind, that is the best wine.

These sayings reflect the culture, values, and wisdom of the people of Friesland.

Above is Friesland sayings.

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